Posts Tagged ‘Doctor’
FAQ: What happens after the Occupational Therapy driving assessment?
Following your assessment, your Occupational Therapist will complete a counselling/discussion session detailing the outcome and recommendations. Your Occupational Therapist will then write a medico-legal report outlining their observations from the ...
AMA Statement: The Role of the Medical Practitioner in Determining Fitness to Drive Motor Vehicles
In 2008, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) developed a set of 13 statements to support, and guide their members. They are interesting to consider, please see them below: 1. It is ...
Talking to an older driver who should stop driving
If you find yourself in the position of talking to an older family member or friend about their driving, approach the issue with sensitivity. A driver’s license signifies more than ...
Improved driver medical standards released for consultation
Proposed revisions to medical standards for private and commercial drivers will improve the decision making process for driver licensing. Published 05 May 2010. National Transport Commission (NTC) Senior Manager Safety, Dr Jeff ...
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Evolution OT has closed its doors
February 4, 2019
Evolution Occupational Therapy 22 mins · It is with mixed emotions that I write this post. After 10 years (2009-2019) of Driving Assessments and assisting with countless cases, I will be closing down Evolution OT and commencing an exciting new work role with Advanced Personnel Management (APM). New challenges ahead!! I still remember my first case […]
Check out this amazing story of a young bloke with CP, and the team supporting him to drive!
June 6, 2016
Check out this amazing story of a young bloke with CP, and the team supporting him to drive! Hand controls and joystick steering are amazing options currently, but this is next level, and shows a sample of where my industry is going!
Google Self-Driving Car Project | SXSW Interactive 2016
April 8, 2016
Everyone’s talking about self-driving cars these days, but how can you differentiate between hype and reality? In the six years of Google’s project, its vehicles have self-driven over 1.3 million miles, racking up the equivalent of 90 years of human driving experience. Google says its cars can now handle the vast majority of everyday situations […]