VOSS – Vehicle Options Subsidy Scheme
Evolution Occupational Therapists are now able to consult to clients who may be eligible for vehicle modifications as a driver or passenger under this great new scheme, commencing from 2 April 2012.
The Vehicle Options Subsidy Scheme (VOSS) is aimed at enabling people with disability, their families and carers to participate further in social and economic opportunities in their community by providing a package of funding options to meet their vehicular access needs. VOSS will enable people with disability improved access to their communities of choice and to access their private transport choices by providing subsidies for a range of vehicle access options.
Set subsidy payments as outlined below may contribute towards the cost of:
- lessons for an eligible client, as identified by the registered VOSS prescriber (RVP) to learn to drive a suitably modified vehicle – up to $500 value.
- a VOSS prescription by a registered VOSS prescriber (RVP) that includes professional assessment and prescription of vehicle access options, as outlined in the VOSSguidelines – up to $800 value
- modifications to a vehicle to enable a person with disability to be the operator – up to $4300 value
- modifications to a vehicle for a person with disability to travel as a passenger in a vehicle operated by a family member or carer – up to $4300 value
- the purchase of a suitably modified vehicle (within the VOSS guidelines) – up to $4500 value
- the purchase of a vehicle, deemed suitable for modification to facilitate the vehicular access to an eligible person with disability – up to $4500 value
Eligibility is confirmed as part of theVOSS assessment process. VOSS eligibility is aligned with the broader Disability and Community Care (DCCS) guidelines as set out in the Disability Services Act 2006.
A person is not eligible for VOSS if they are entitled to receive assistance for vehicular access modifications from other government-funded aids and equipment programs, or if they are entitled to any form of compensation related to their disability.
VOSS encourages people with disability who require assistance with vehicular access to make an application. All applications will assist with reviews of VOSS to improve the scope and process. For further information in relation to eligibility please contact the relevant Disabilities and Community Care Services Regional Service Centre.
For further details about how to access VOSS subsidies please contact your nearest Disability and Community Care Services service centre or by calling 1800 177 120 (TTY: 1800 010 222), or call Evolution on (07) 3103 3561.
Email enquiries can be forwarded to Evolution
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