and fact sheets
VOSS – Vehicle Options Subsidy Scheme
Evolution Occupational Therapists are now able to consult to clients who may be eligible for vehicle modifications as a driver or passenger under this great new scheme, commencing from 2 April 2012. The Vehicle Options Subsidy Scheme (VOSS) is aimed at enabling people with disability, their families and carers to participate further in social and […]
Driving Rehabilitation to the Corporate and Workplace Sectors
33% of Motor Vehicle accidents on Australian roads involved vehicles used for work purposes and the likelihood of an employee, contractor or volunteer being involved in an incident is 1 in every 4.
OT Driving Assessment: Process for private patients
Mobility outside the home is vital for independence, particularly for elderly people and people with a disability. A driving assessment identifies the impact of your medical condition on all driving skills.
For Doctors / Medical Professionals
The holder of, or new applicant for a QLD driver licence is required by law to tell QLD Transport if they have a medical condition that is likely to affect their ability to drive safely.
Fact Sheets and FAQ For Families
General Health and Medical Information relating to driving, as well as fact sheets and links to more information. Are you or one of your family members concerned about fitness to drive – seek more information and checklists here
NDIS: Coming to QLD on 1 July 2016
Evolution is able to provide Injury Management and Rehabilitation services to Companies, Workcover Type Insurers, CTP Insurers and to Commonwealth Employers. Evolution also completes comprehensive Medicolegal Assessments and Medicolegal Driving Assessments.
Featured Project
Driver Safety TipsAside from taking care of your health, you can take an active role in helping yourself or another senior to drive more safely. Find the right car and any aids you need for driving. Choose a vehicle with automatic transmission, power steering, and power brakes. Keep your car in good working condition by visiting your […]