Is there any Financial Assistance in Australia for people with disabilities to assist them to get around?

September 25, 2010  |   Fact Sheets,Portfolio   |     |   0 Comment

There is some assistance with the cost of vehicle purchase, modification and repair, and other transport costs. They are:

  • GST exemption
  • Mobility allowance
  • Pensioner concession
  • Taxi transport
  • Parking

GST exemption

If you have lost use of one or more limbs to the extent that you are unable to use public transport you may be eligible to purchase a vehicle (and parts) free of GST. The vehicle must be for transport to and from paid employment, including activities in self-employment.  People who can use only accessible public transport may still be eligible.

The first step is to have your disability confirmed by a Disability Certificate from a medical practice familiar with this process, such as Health for Industry. To obtain one have an Application for Medical Assessment to Obtain Motor Vehicle or Parts GST-free form completed by your doctor and send it to Health For Industry.

Once you have the certificate, take it and a Declaration to the Commissioner of Taxation to the dealer. Do this before you buy your vehicle—doing so after the purchase the dealer will not be able to refund the GST.  Make copies of all documentation and do not lose your Disability Certificate. You will need to go through the whole process again if you do.

For a full explanation of the eligibility criteria and application process, download a copy of the GST and Motor Vehicle Purchases by Eligible People with Disabilities Fact Sheet. Request these forms from the Tax Reform Infoline on 13 28 66 or download them from

Mobility Allowance

Mobility Allowance provides assistance with the cost of transport to people:

  • whose disability makes it difficult to use public transport; and
  • who are in paid employment or are doing voluntary work, vocational training or independent living/life skills training for at least 32 hours every four weeks.

Mobility Allowance recipients who do not already have one will also receive a Health Care Card.

To claim Mobility Allowance submit two forms to Centrelink: Claim for Mobility Allowance and and Treating Doctor’s Report. Request them from Centrelink 13 2717 or go to

Pensioner concession

Transport related benefits of the Pensioner Concession Card are:

  • Reduction in public transport costs; and
  • Reduced cost of vehicle registration and drivers licence

For more information, please go to

Taxi fares

Each State and Territory has schemes for reduced cost taxi fares for people whose disability makes it difficult to use public transport.
Contact the transport authority in your State for further information. In QLD, go to


Each State and Territory has schemes to allow people with mobility disabilities to use allocated accessible parking spaces or stay for extra time in controlled parking spaces.

Contact the transport authority in your State. In QLD, go to

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