OT Driving Assessment: Types of assessments
Assessments are tailored to each individuals need, however we often see clients for one of the 4 following reasons:
1. To overcome physical limitations
We can help you to overcome physical limitations through using car control adaptations or a change of driving technique. Evolution is also one of the only therapy firms in QLD with high levels of knowelege and experience completing major vehicle modifications (such as user drive from wheelchair), commonly called “High Tech Vehicles”
We offer you the option to test drive different manufacturers’ products without any sales pressure so that you can arrive at an informed decision on which of the many options on the market suit you best.
The session includes an interview and review of your physical ability, checks of strength, fine control and reaction times and time on the road in dual controlled vehicles trying out controls options.
Once you have established your preference, we will advise where you can obtain your chosen product.
2. To return to driving after illness
Some conditions can disturb thinking skills or the way the environment is perceived and careful assessment is necessary to ensure that it is safe to return to the road. This assessment allows you to explore your visual, cognitive and physical ability and if appropriate, to have a first try at driving again in a safer environment. Suitable controls adaptations can be used if there are any physical limitations. You will be accompanied by a specialist assessor and using a car with dual controls.
Every effort will be made to assist you with any difficulty. The assessment concludes with advice on whether it is safe to return to driving at this stage of your recovery.
3. To continue to drive safely
“A ‘CarFit ®’ check-up for all drivers”
Age related changes affect everyone and this assessment offers a full check up with a report. This can be useful at licence renewal, or if there has been any cause for concern. Potential learner drivers with certain disabilities find this assessment useful for clarifying their longer term needs.
4. Mobility Scooter Assessments and Safety
We offer new or prospective mobility scooter users a brief assessment of their suitability to operate this aid. Potential or new users can also take part in basic safety training and familiarisation, pathway and indoor shopping centre safety rules and tips, care and maintenance advice, as well as confidence training in your local area.
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