Are you “CarFit®”?
Are You:
- Over 75 years of age
- Needing drivers licence renewal, or medical certificate renewal due to an ongoing medical condition that may impact you when behind the wheel?
- A learner driver or someone looking to start driving who has a long term medical condition?
Are you “Car Fit” is a program developed by Evolution Health Consulting, an Occupational Therapy company in Brisbane, Australia. Evolution completes driving assessments and driver rehabilitation at the request of families, on behalf of doctors and insurance companies.
It is a brief, tailored overview consultation to look your driving needs and abilities.
It is not a formal driving assessment, and because of this it does not take as long time, or cost as much. The consultation can assist your Doctor or General Practitioner to determine your current abilities, and can assist with the completion of annual medical checkups or Licensing authority medical certificates (eg. QLD Transport).
Evolution appreciates that fitness to drive is not age related (young or old!), but is determined by your functional abilities. Because of this, during the consultation, we will look at the following aspects:
- Your driving practices and needs
- Current eyesight, eye movements and peripheral vision
- Physical movement and strength testing
- Decision making abilities, and your knowledge of usual driving behaviours
After the consultation, we will report back to you and your Doctor. Common outcomes are one of the following:
- Recommended to be “CarFit”, and a report is given back to your doctor to assist him/her to fill out any necessary paperwork
- Your abilities require further examination, either with a specialist (e.g. Ophthalmologist) or a full driving assessment is recommended. If a formal driving assessment is recommended, the costs of the CarFit consultation will be taken off the cost of the assessment.
During the consultation, you can also be provided with any relevant advice on starting to think about ceasing driving, tips for staying safe behind the wheel, or advice on good driving instructors for drivers with disability.
If you have any further questions, please contact Evolution on (07) XXXX XXXX, email us or discuss the consultation with your GP.
For further information about GP checkups for over 75’s, please visit the related page on the QLD Transport webpage. (